Usage and Analytics provide detailed reports and information about audience engagement and a comprehensive overview of viewing and usage behaviors.
Usage & Analytics Options
- The Overview allows administrators to review Total Storage, Total Bandwidth, Most Active Classes, and Top Videos on a single page.
- Content allows you to look at a range of information about individual videos. Select the desired group and video from the dropdown, then review details about the content.
- Users provide useful information about how a specific user is engaging with content published to Media Channels and Deep Linked Content for an individual class or group.
- Groups allow you to look at group statistics, including both discussion groups and poll statistics.
- Events enable administrators and content owners to review attendance on a video-by-video basis.
- Live Stream provides Administrators and Content Owners with real-time information about their live streams, including stream quality, bandwidth, and viewer statistics.
- The Visits page reviews information about unique and non-unique users in the institution or enterprise and about registered devices.
- Bandwidth tracks bandwidth usage, either overall or on a class-by-class basis.
- Reports enable the download of Usage and Analytics information.
- The Grade Book provides access to Quiz scores.