Considering an institution’s unique accessibility requirements, admins can choose from various scoring rubrics that will be applied across their Panorama instance. These scoring rubrics will determine the accessibility scores of documents based on a strict set of criteria. The sections below detail each rubric and describe how accessibility scores are calculated.
Dynamic Severity Model
Accessibility scores are assigned within the RANGE of the highest severity level. Severity levels are defined as Minor, Major, and Severe.
For example, if a document has 15 Minor issues and 1 Major issue, the accessibility score will be assigned within the range of the Major issue. Listed below are the ranges for each severity level.
- Minor: 70% - 100%
- Major: 30% - 70%
- Severe: 0% - 30%
Static Severity Model
Assigns a FIXED accessibility score based on the highest severity level detected. Listed below are the accessibility scores that will be assigned based on the highest severity level detected.
- Minor: 70%
- Major: 30%
- Severe: 0%
For example, if a document has 10 Minor issues, 5 Major issues, and 1 Severe issue, the document will receive an accessibility score of 0%.
Detraction Model
Failed accessibility checks are worth twice as much as passed checks. This calculation ensures that content creators prioritize resolving failed checks to increase the accessibility scores of documents.
Element Model
Accessibility scores are calculated by dividing elements that DID NOT pass the accessibility checks by the document’s total number of elements.
Elements are defined as:
- paragraphs
- tables
- headers
- lists
- HTML Links
- images
- videos
- pages/slides
- the entire document
Please note that accessibility issues within each element do not affect the overall score. The Element Model ONLY evaluates elements.
Weight Model
Evaluates all failed checks based on their assigned weights and measures them against the document’s total checks.
The weight of an issue is dependent on its severity level—Minor, Major, and Severe.
Severity levels can have custom weight values to influence how they affect a document's overall accessibility score. You can learn more by visiting our guide on Customizing Severity Weighting Settings for Panorama.
Strict Detraction Model
Assigns documents with an accessibility score of 100 and deducts points based on the weight of an issue.
The weight of an issue is dependent on its severity level—Minor, Major, and Severe.
Severity levels can have custom weight values to influence how they affect a document's overall accessibility score. You can learn more by visiting our guide on Customizing Severity Weighting Settings for Panorama.