YuJa Engage supports various question-type options such as Multiple Choice, Short Answer, True or False, Fill in the Blank, and Clickable Images for creating polls.
Multiple Choice Questions
Multiple Choice questions allow you to input multiple answers and select a single correct answer.
- Enter your question in the text box.
- You may add an image by clicking the Choose Media button.
- Enter possible answers for participants to select from. Each answer can consist of text, an image, or both.
- For Polls, you will need to select a correct answer.
Short Answer Questions
Short Answer questions ask the participant to enter an answer into a text box. Poll participants must have the correct answer entered to receive points.
True or False Questions
True or False questions enable Creators to ask simple two-option questions.
- Enter a statement into the text box.
- You may add an image by clicking the Choose Media button.
- For Polls, select the correct answer.
Fill in the Blank Questions
Fill-in-the-blank questions allow you to omit one or more words in a statement. Participants must fill in the blank by writing their answers in a text box.
- You may add an image for the question by clicking the Choose Media button.
- Enter the desired statement and click Add Blank to insert a blank.
- To add more than one possible answer for a blank, click the Plus icon to add an additional answer.
Clickable Image Questions
Clickable Image questions allow you to add regions to an image and select one region as the correct answer.
- Enter the desired question and click Choose Media to insert an image.
- Click on the image to mark regions as possible answers. You may adjust the size of the region by dragging the edges.
- Enter answers for each region.
- For Poll questions, select the correct region.
Word Cloud Questions
Word Cloud questions are ungraded and are designed to gather participants’ ideas and present them for everyone to view. If multiple participants provide the same answer, it will appear larger in the Word Cloud.
Matching Questions
Matching question types allow you to provide prompts to pair with predetermined options.
- Enter your question in the text box.
- You may add an image by clicking the Choose Media button.
- In the left-side fields, provide prompts.
- In the right-side fields, provide the corresponding answers for each prompt.
Ranking questions are ungraded and enable participants to express their preferences by ordering options from greatest to least, favorite to least favorite, or any other arrangement that is stated by the question.
- Enter your question in the text box specifying how you'd like participants to rank the options.
- You may add an image by clicking the Choose Media button.
- Provide your options in the text fields provided.
Open Discussion
Open discussion questions are ungraded and allow participants to freely express themselves regarding the question or prompt. After submitting their answers, participants can view and rate other responses with a thumbs up or thumbs down.