Error Summary
In some cases, individuals will be unable to access the Video Platform LTI link and will receive either one of the following messages.
Error Message: Your LMS YuJa integration for LTI 1.3 did not initiate login with all the information. Error id is - f5501c95-9066-4427-8878-d90027e9d627
Error Message: The External Learning Tool is not available.
This issue can be resolved by the D2L Admin adding Faculty and Instructor role mapping to the Instructor Brightspace Role under Institution Role in the IMS Configuration Settings.
Adding Faculty and Instructor to the IMS Configuration
- As an Admin, log in to D2L and click the Gear icon located in the top-right corner of the screen.
- Under Organization Related, click IMS Configuration.
- Ensure the Roles tab is selected, and then click Edit Role Mapping in the Instructor row under Instiution Role.
- Check Faculty and Instructor.
- Click Save.
- Once Faculty and Instructor have been added to the correct role mapping, Instructors, Admins, and Students will be able to access the Video Platform LTI link.