Admins have the option to customize the navigation experience of the EnterpriseTube by adding customizable tabs to the navigation bar and custom carousels for users to view media within selected folders.
Tab Configuration Settings
- Log in as an Administrator and click the Main Menu to access the Admin Panel.
- Click the Platform tab.
- Under Available Suites, click EnterpriseTube to expand the options.
- Enter an EnterpriseTube Custom Name in the text box.
- For Home, Organization, Library, Event, and Help, select the checkbox to enable the corresponding tab in the EnterpriseTube Navigation Bar.
- For Home, Organization, Library, Event, and Help, input the appropriate name of the tabs.
- Click New Custom Tab to add a customizable tab to the EnterpriseTube navigation bar.
- Add a title for the new tab and click the Select Folder icon to add a sub-folder from the EnterpriseTube -> Library folder to the tab.
- For each option, click the up/down arrow to rearrange the order of the tabs in the EnterpriseTube navigation bar.
- Click Save, located in the top-right corner of the screen, to save your tab configurations.
Carousel Configuration
- Log in as an Administrator and click the Main Menu to access the Admin Panel.
- Click the Platform tab.
- Under Available Suites, click EnterpriseTube to expand the options.
- Scroll down and adjust the names for the See what's New and Frequently Watched carousels if desired.
- Click New Custom Carousel to add a customizable carousel.
- Add a title for the new carousel and click the Select Folder icon to add a sub-folder from the EnterpriseTube > Library folder to the carousel to display all media within the folder.
- Create any additional carousels and click Save, in the top-right corner, to save your carousel configuration settings.