Content Creators can enable automatic index generation by taking advantage of optical character recognition (OCR) technology within the YuJa Software Capture application. This is beneficial in scenarios where a video source will be used to record a presentation source, such as a document camera or projector source. After completing a recording using the Hardware Appliance or Software Capture, the OCR process will begin creating indexes. To learn more about using OCR technology, please visit our guide on Using Optical Character Recognition.
Enabling Automatic Index Generation
- Launch the YuJa Software Capture application and click the Gear icon to access settings.
- In the Application Settings, click the Profiles tab and then click on the Plus icon to create a new profile.
- Select your Video, Audio, and Screens source and click Next.
- In the next window, under Other Settings, toggle ON, Generate index automatically (For Apple Devices, enable Generate OCR Automatically), and click Next.
- Give your new profile a name and click on Save.
- Click Save one more time for the Application Settings to save your profile to the Software Capture application.
- To enable your newly created profile from the software capture application, click on the drop-down arrow next to Profile.
- From the Profile drop-down menu, select the profile created for automatic index generation to enable OCR capabilities.