An Administrator can enable automatic imports of Blackboard Collaborate recordings in the Video Platform for all future recordings. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to enable or disable, and manage Blackboard Collaborate integration in the Video Platform.
Accessing the Blackboard Collaborate Integration Management Menu
Blackboard Collaborate Integration is accessible by Administrators through the Admin Panel’s Integrations tab.
- Log into Video Platform as an Administrator.
- Click the Main Menu icon and select Admin Panel.
- Select Integrations from the left-side navigation panel.
- Under Select an API to configure, select Video Conferencing - BB Collaborate.
Implementing Blackboard Collaborate Integration in the Video Platform
The following instructions will guide an Administrator on how to enable Blackboard Collaborate Integration through the Video Platform Admin Panel.
- Log into the Video Platform as an Administrator and navigate to the Blackboard Collaborate Integration Management Menu by following the section above.
- Select Authorize Blackboard Collaborate Integration to be taken to a Blackboard Collaborate Authentication page.
- Reach out to your Blackboard Representative to receive your Client ID and Client Secret.
- Enter for your Client URL, and click on Authorize.
- Once finished, return to the Integrations menu in the Video Platform, refresh the browser, and access Video Conferencing - BB Collaborate to confirm the Blackboard Collaboration integration has been enabled.
Configuring Blackboard Collaborate Integration Settings
After installing Blackboard Collaborate Integration for the Video Platform Zone, Administrators can use the Blackboard Collaborate Integration Settings activity to configure Blackboard ingestion behavior.
- Select Enable Blackboard Collaborate Integration to enable Blackboard integration for the Video Platform Zone.
- Select Allow Blackboard Collaborate Date in Video Title Suffix to add the date of the recording to the suffix of the title.
- Select Automatically delete Blackboard Collaborate meeting after Import to automatically delete the recordings from Blackboard after it has been successfully imported to the User's Video Platform account.
- Use the Default Blackboard Collaborate Folder Name field to specify the default name of the folder used to store a new Content Creator's Blackboard Collaborate recordings.
Managing Individual Users with Blackboard Collaborate Integration
The Manual Enrollment tool allows an Administrator to link Blackboard Collaborate account information to an individual user’s account in Video Platform and manage that linkage. In order for an individual user to upload Blackboard Collaborate content, their Blackboard Collaborate account must be linked to their account on the Video Platform.
- Select Manual Enrollment from the User Provisioning and Mapping activity.
- Select Link User to link a Blackboard account to a user in the Video Platform. Choose the desired user in the Video Platform and then select Yes to confirm the selection.
- Enable Automatic Blackboard Collaborate Import for the user to allow automatic uploads from Blackboard for future Blackboard Collaborate recordings.
- Check Enable Auto Caption for the user to allow auto-caption generation for future Blackboard Collaborate recordings.
- Click Save to register the changes.
Enabling Self-Enrollment for Authenticated Users
Administrators can specify if authenticated Users are allowed to self-enroll in Blackboard Collaborate integration based on their Video Platform role.

- Select Self Enrollment from the User Provisioning and Mapping activity.
- Select Enable Self-Enrollment By Authenticated Users and select which roles may enroll by choosing from the following:
- Allow IT Managers to Self Enroll
- Allow Instructors to Self Enroll
- Allow Students to Self Enroll
- Select Disable Self-Enrollment to prevent Users from self-enrolling in Blackboard Collaborate integration.
- Click Save to save the changes.
Using Bulk Enrollment Actions
Bulk Enrollments allows Administrators to enroll authenticated users by uploading a CSV file or by manually syncing enrollment with the Video Platform's authenticated Users.

- Select Bulk Enrollment from the User Provisioning and Mapping activity.
- Select Upload Blackboard Collaborate User Mapping to upload a CSV file containing the basic information needed to map a Video Platform account to the appropriate Blackboard account.
- Select Perform Manual Sync to enroll all authenticated Users in the Video Platform based on their role in the Blackboard Collaborate integration.
Enabling Automatic Enrollment for Authenticated Users
Administrators can also enable Automatic Enrollment for all authenticated Blackboard Collaborate Users or specific Video Platform accounts. Once enabled, users will appear under the Manual list once they create or attend any BB Collaborate meeting.
- Select Automatic Enrollment from the User Provisioning and Mapping Activity.
- Select Enable auto-import and user account provisioning to enable automatic Blackboard Collaborate integration enrollment for all Blackboard authenticated Users.
- Select the Provisioning Scope to include all available users or limit it to a specific Video Platform role.
- Select the Video Platform account role for these provisioned accounts using the Role Scope dropdown.
- Select Disable auto-import and user account provisioning to disable automatic Video Platform account provisioning and Blackboard Collaborate integration enrollment for all Blackboard authenticated Users.
- Select Save to save the changes.
Managing Blackboard Meetings
Manage Blackboard Meetings allows Administrators to search for and find meetings associated with a Blackboard Email and a defined date range. Meetings may then be imported into the Video Platform to enable access and management through the Platform’s Manage Media capability.
- In the Blackboard Email field, enter a valid Blackboard email address.
- In the From field, enter a starting date for the search.
- In the To field, enter an ending date for the search.
- Select Find Meetings.
- Select the cloud icon next to the video to manually upload to import that Blackboard meeting into the Video Platform.
Disabling Blackboard Collaborate Integration in the Video Platform
The following instructions will guide an Administrator on how to disable Blackboard integration through the Video Platform's Admin Panel.
- Log into the Video Platform as an Administrator and navigate to the Blackboard Collaborate Integration Management Menu.
- Under Set Up Blackboard Collaborate Integration, select Uninstall Blackboard Collaborate.
- Under Blackboard Collaborate Integration Settings, deselect Enable Blackboard Collaborate Integration.
- Select Save.