Admins can remotely create and set profiles for one-time and recurring events with Hardware Hub.
Creating Hub Profiles
Hub Profiles allow Administrators to configure and deploy specific profiles for their Hardware Hub applications.
- Navigate to the Admin Panel from the Main Menu and select Devices.
- Click on the arrow icon located on the left of your device name. Then, click on Hub Profiles located under Settings.
- From the Select Profile drop-down menu, select the first option titled Create New Hub Profile.
Fill out the information as shown below, and then click Save.
- Profile Name: The name of your profile.
- Profile Description: Describe the profile.
- Auto-Caption Source: Select which media device connected to the hub will be auto-captioned.
- Select Device: Select which media device connected to the hub will be enabled for this profile.
Selecting a Hub Profile
After creating the profile, the admin can select which profile to use during the scheduling process of the live stream/recording.
Navigate to the Admin Panel from the Main Menu and select Devices.
- Click the drop-down arrow next to the desired device and select Schedule Session to open the scheduler.
- Under Device Profile, select the desired profile from the drop-down menu.
- Make any further adjustments as listed below, and then click Add to Schedule to save the session with the preset profile.
- Capture Title: Title of the session.
- Capture Description: Description of the session.
- Session Owner: The user who this session belongs to.
- Save Location: The folder to save the recording for the Session Owner.
- Publish Location: The Course Channel to publish the recording to.
- Notify Class When Complete: Check to notify users within the course once the recording is published.
- Disable Auto Captioning: Check to disable auto-captioning for the session.
- Require manual start of scheduled hub sessions: The session will not start until the session owner begins the recording from My Account > Calendar.
- Date and Start Time: Select the date and time for the session.
- Length: Specify how long the session will be active.
- Enable Live Stream: The session will be a live stream if set to Yes.
- Send Copy of Schedule: Choose a user on the platform that will receive a copy of the schedule.
- Create Placeholder: A placeholder thumbnail will appear in the publish location for this session.