This document provides instructions on integrating the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform (EVP) into your Moodle Learning Management System (LMS). If you have any questions regarding any steps in this process, please contact your dedicated Customer Success Manager. To perform the integration, you need a YuJa Key, Shared Secret, and Zone URL which will be provided in your Zone Provisioning document.
Adding YuJa EVP as an External Tool
The below steps will make the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform an LTI tool that can be accessed within one or more of your Moodle courses.
Setting up the YuJa EVP as an External Tool
- Log in to Moodle as an Administrator.
- On the left sidebar choose Site Administration. Under that, choose Plugins.
- Under External Tool, click on the Manage Tool button.
- On the next page, click on Configure A Tool Manually.
- Fill out the form that appears (pictured below) with the information below.
- Tool Name: YuJa.
- Tool Base URL: https://<YourInstitutionZone>
- Consumer Key: The Consumer Key provided by YuJa.
- Shared Secret: The Shared Key provided by YuJa.
- Tool Configuration Usage: Show as preconfigured tool when adding an external tool.
- Default Launch Container: Select New Window to launch the YuJa LTI link in a new tab or select Embed to open the YuJa LTI link in the same tab as Moodle.
- Expand the Privacy Tab and make the following selections.
- Share launcher's name with tool: Always.
- Share launcher's email with tool: Always.
- Accept grades from the tool: Always.
- Click Save Changes.
Adding the YuJa EVP to A Course
This section will provide instructions on how to add YuJa as an external learning tool to a course.
- Log in to Moodle and go to the desired course.
- Under Course Administration, select Turn Editing On.
- Choose Add An Activity or Resource and select External Tool, then click Add.
- Under Activity Name put YuJa.
- You may be able to find YuJa under Preconfigured Tool. If so select it and go straight to step 7. If not, leave the External Tool Type as Automatic, based on Tool URL, and move to step 6.
- If you did not find YuJa in the External Tool Type menu, enter https://<YourInstitutionZone> in the Tool URL field. If Moodle finds settings for YuJa, it will say Using Tool Configuration next to the Launch URL field.
- Click on Show More… Under Launch Container, select New Window to launch the YuJa LTI link in a new tab or select Embed to open the YuJa LTI link in the same tab as Moodle.
- Expand the Privacy tab and make the following selections.
- Share launcher's name with the tool: Enable.
- Share launcher's email with the tool: Enable.
- Accept grades from the tool: Enable.
- After filling out all the required information, scroll down and click Save and Return to Course.
- Click on the YuJa activity at the top of the class page. This confirms that everything is working correctly.
Accessing the YuJa EVP from Moodle
YuJa will provision the group space with the information provided by LTI, including course name, user roles, and permissions within the course. The below screenshot shows how YuJa should look once installed and embedded within Moodle.
Installing the YuJa Media Chooser for Moodle
Please Note: This installation assumes you have already performed the Basic LTI installation of the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform.
This document provides instructions on integrating a YuJa Media Chooser Extension into your Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) using LTI. This extension, called the Moodle Media Chooser, can be installed into your Moodle LMS and is designed to work with Moodle 2.4+.
If you have any questions regarding any steps in this process, please contact your Account Manager. The plugin architecture of the Moodle LMS Extension is provided below.
Local | (local/yuja) | Allows for LTI configuration and provides LTI integration for the other plugins. |
Atto | (lib/editor/atto/plugins/yuja) | Allows you to insert YuJa-hosted media using the Atto editor |
TinyMce | (lib/editor/tinymce/plugins/yuja) | Allows you to insert YuJa-hosted media using the TinyMCE editor |
- You will be provided with one zip titled “YuJa Enterprise Video Platform - LMS Media Extension - Moodle Media Chooser”.zip. Unzip this file.
- For each plugin folder you’ll see an accompanying zip file. Specifically, the zip filed contained are titled “”, “” and “”.
- Via Site Administration/Plugins/Install Plugins, provide the zip file and, in turn, click Install Plugin From the ZIP File. Starting with “” file first, then install the other two.
- Alternatively, instead of using the Install plugin from the ZIP file option, if you have one zip for all the plugins, or wish to perform the installation manually, you can do so by copying the “yuja” folder from each of the below locations into the corresponding folders on your moodle server:
- Moodle 2.4+: From “tinymce_yuja” copy the “yuja” folder to (path/to/your/moodle/lib/editor/tinymce/plugins/)
- Moodle 2.7+: From “atto_yuja” copy the “yuja” folder to (path/to/your/moodle/lib/editor/atto/plugins/)
- From “yuja_local” copy the “yuja” folder to (path/to/your/moodle/local/)
- For the next copy step, please choose the correct one for your Moodle version:
- To finalize the installation, you will need to login as an administrator to your Moodle and navigate to Site Administration/Notifications. You should see the modified plugins listed. If not, click Check for Available Updates.
- Once you see the modified plugins listed, click Upgrade Moodle Database now to complete the installation.
- If this is your first time installing the local_yuja plugin, you will be asked to enter your configuration information. The configuration details will match those used to configure the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform in Section 1.
- If this is your first time installing the Atto plugin, please note that it requires some additional configuration as noted below.
- Lastly, there is a setting in Moodle that prevents the user from inserting iframes by default, so make sure the Enable Trusted Content in Site Administration/Security/Site Policies is checked to enable iframes. It is possible to navigate to the settings page directly by going to https://<moodle_url>/admin/settings.php?section=sitepolicies.
Additional Configurations
Below are the additional steps to configure the YuJa Media Chooser plugins.
- Local Plugin:
- The Settings dialog for the Local Plugin will be shown immediately after installing it. If not, or to access it later, navigate to Site Administration/Plugins/Local plugins/YuJa Package Config.
- You will be asked to enter your YuJa Access URL, Consumer Key, and Shared Secret. These will have been provided to you by your YuJa Account Manager and are the same details you use to configure an external LTI tool to access the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform.
- Atto Rich Text Editor Plugin:
- Once installed, the Atto plugin requires a little bit of additional configuration.
- Go to http://your.moodle/admin/settings.php?section=editorsettingsatto and add a new line in the Toolbar config text area containing yuja = yuja where you want the button to appear. See on how to fine-tune Atto's toolbar to your liking.
- TinyMCE Rich Text Editor Plugin:
- Once the plugin has been installed (see above), the configuration is automatic and no further action should be taken.
Optional - Installing the Media Chooser with Grade Book Sync for Moodle
Content Item Message is a protocol that enables LTI-based tools to pass back authentication information for, among other things, embedded videos. Within Moodle, CIM can be used to embed content using a specified Moodle-defined CIM workflow.
Videos posted to Moodle using the Moodle CIM workflow will be able to track analytics (i.e. the YuJa user watching the video will be known as opposed to the viewer being marked as “Anonymous”).
Note: Currently Moodle does not support CIM-based embedding via text editors, however, the Moodle Development Community has an open ticket to support LTI Content Item through Text Editors in the future (see and
Installing the Media Chooser with Grade Book Sync for Moodle
This CIM Tool must be installed through the Moodle LMS.
- Navigate to Site Administrator/Plugins/Activity Modules/External Tools/Manage Tools.
- Click configure a tool manually. Enter the following fields:
- Tool Name: YuJa Media Chooser with Grade Book Sync.
- Tool URL: https://<your_base_url>/LMSEntry.jsp
- Consumer Key: <your_consumer_key>
- Shared Secret: <your_shared_secret>
- Tool Configuration Usage: Show in activity chooser and as a preconfigured tool.
- Show more…: Select Content-Item Message checkbox
- Expand the Privacy tab and make the following selections.
- Share launcher's name with tool: Always.
- Share launcher's email with tool: Always.
- Accept grades from the tool: Always.
- Click Save Changes.
Using the Media Chooser with Grade Book Sync to Add Content to the Course
Once CIM is enabled, you may upload videos using the installed tools.
- Navigate to the desired Course in Moodle, then click the Gear icon in the top right, and choose Turn Editing On.
- Select Add an Activity or Resource under your desired topic. Under the Activities menu, choose YuJa Media Chooser with Grade Book Sync then click Add.
- Click Select Content. This will open up the YuJa Media Chooser.
- Scroll down and select a video.
- Expand the Privacy tab and make the following selections.
- Share launcher's name with the tool: Enable.
- Share launcher's email with the tool: Enable.
- Accept the grades from the tool: Enable.
- Click Save and Return to Course or Save and Display. Your video will now be available as an Activity under your topic.
Optional - LTI-Based Gradebook Integration with Moodle
This section provides the instruction for the optional integration of the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform Gradebook into your Moodle Gradebook. This section assumes you already followed the previous sections and completed the setup.
Enabling the Moodle Gradebook
- Log in as an instructor and select your desired course, then click on the Gear icon to Turn Editing On.
- Click on Edit on the right side, then choose Edit Settings from the drop-down menu.
- Under the Privacy tab, make the following selections.
- Share launcher's name with the tool: Enable.
- Share launcher's email with the tool: Enable.
- Accept grades from the tool: Enable.
- Under the Grade tab, customize the Grade Type and Maximum Grade to your desired.
- Click Save and Display or Save and return to course.
Syncing Grades from YuJa Back to Moodle
Each student needs to activate gradebook the first time they use it. This is done by selecting their course then clicking YuJa. After this first activation, the gradebook will update automatically, students can check their grade by clicking on the Grades tab.
Optional - Using Moodle Multi-Column Gradebook Integration via the Media Chooser with Grade Book Sync for Moodle
Configuring a YuJa Quiz
- Configure the Media Chooser with Grade Book Sync. If you have not previously installed this, please follow the instructions on Section 3.
- When adding your YuJa Media Chooser tool, make sure to set Accept Grades to Always. This setting can be found in the Privacy section.
- Alternatively, you can set it to Delegate to Teacher, and change this setting on a per quiz basis, allowing you to choose which quizzes are added to the Moodle Gradebook.
Posting a YuJa Quiz
- Add a quiz to your course using the Media Chooser with Grade Book Sync. If you have not previously installed this, please follow the instructions in Section 3.
- After you select a quiz using the YuJa Media Chooser, if you selected Delegate to Teacher in the previous step, ensure that the Accept Grades setting under Privacy is checked. Also, under Grade, you can select the maximum grade for this assignment.
Taking a Video Quiz
- As a student, navigate to the course homepage. Click on the newly published assignment will take you to the posted YuJa video quiz.
- Click Submit after completing the quiz. The student’s score will be automatically recorded in the Moodle Gradebook.
Viewing the Gradebook
- As an Instructor: Log in as an Instructor. Navigate to your Course homepage. Click on the Grades tab in the left sidebar. Here, you will be able to see each student’s score to each quiz, where each student is a row and each quiz is a column.
- As a Student: Log in as a student, and navigate to the Grades tab by clicking Grades in the left sidebar. You will be able to see the grades for the assignments you have taken.
Optional - Moodle Roster Sync
The Moodle Roster Sync plugin enables synchronization of the Platform’s Roster with actively used courses within Moodle.
Installing Moodle Roster Sync
In order to use Moodle Roster Sync, you must install the plugin.
- Navigate to Site Administration/Plugins/Install Plugins.
- Upload the Roster Sync zip file provided by your Account Manager. Click on Show More. Select Plugin Type as Local Plugin. Click Install Plugin from the ZIP File.
- Proceed with uploading the plugin and upgrading the Moodle database. Next enter the required information as below.
- Access URL: https://<your_base_url>/LMSEntry.jsp
- Consumer Key: <your_consumer_key>
- Shared Secret: <your_shared_secret>
- Click Save Changes and now the Moodle Roster Sync has been successfully installed.