For users who have Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection, the YuJa URL may need to be added to the ATP Safe Links in order to download any media from the Video Platform. This action must be performed by the administrators if your device is work or school-owned.
Adding the Video Platform to ATP Safe Links
- Navigate to and log in with your school or work account.
- In the left-hand menu, select Threat Management > Policy > Safe Links.
- Under the section titled Policies that apply to specific recipients, click the plus (+) icon to add a new policy.
- Enter a name and description for the new policy.
- In the section titled Do not rewrite the following URLs, click the Enter a valid URL field and enter the following URL based on your zone:
- US -
- Canada -
- Europe -
- Select the plus icon (+).
- Under Applied To, select The recipient is a member of, and then determine the groups you want to be included for this new policy. Click Add > OK and then Save.