Viewers have the ability to use the Platform’s tools to share and publish video in several different ways; some of these abilities are determined by the owner of the course or group. Capture tools, including Software and Browser Capture, are available to Viewers to record media, or media can be uploaded to Manage Media.
Uploading Media
To share or publish media, you need to upload it in Manage Media.
- Navigate to the Manage Media at the top of the screen.
- Upload media by clicking Upload and selecting the desired file. You may also simply drag-and-drop files into My Media. Click Add Media to complete the upload.
If you’ve used the Platform’s tools to record media, simply locate desired media in My Media.
Sharing a Video
To allow an individual or small group of selected individuals access to media, you’ll use the Share feature. This can be used to turn in an assignment or to share it with a colleague or classmate.
- Navigate to the desired video in My Media.
- Mouse over the thumbnail. Choose Share.
- Enter the desired username and choose the file permissions from the dropdown menu.
- When you’ve completed your selections, choose Share. Click Save to complete the process.
Read Only: The media may be viewed, but not changed.
Edit Access: The media may be viewed or edited, but not deleted.
Full Access: The user has all rights, including the ability to delete the media.
Publishing a Video
If the group or course owner has asked media to be published to a Channel, Viewers can easily turn in work using the Publish feature. Permission to publish is up to the group owner.