Administrators can set up a secure connection between Panorama and ADFS to authenticate users logging into Panorama. To securely authenticate and log in users, please ensure Panorama and ADFS have been configured by following the steps below.
What Is Required for the ADFS Configuration
The ADFS configuration requires you to have a custom Panorama URL (example: If you do not have one, please reach out to your Client Success Manager
Creating a Relying Party Trust
This process will create a Relying Party Trust with Panorama.
- On the ADFS server, open the application ADFS Management.
- In the left panel, under Trust Relationships, click on Relying Party Trusts (RPT).
- In the Actions tab, click on Add Relying Party Trust.
- In the Add RPT Wizard window, click Start.
- Select Enter data about the relying party manually, and click Next.
- Enter a display name for the RPT (e.g. “Panorama”), and click Next.
- Select ADFS Profile and click Next.
- On you are on the Configure Certificate step, click Next. Do not encrypt claims sent to YuJa.
- Select Enable support for the SAML 2.0 WebSSO protocol.
- Enter the Relying party SAML 2.0 SSO Service URL.
Service URL: https://YOUR_CUSTOM_PANORAMA_URL/api/sso/samlReceiveResponse
- Example:
Service URL: https://YOUR_CUSTOM_PANORAMA_URL/api/sso/samlReceiveResponse
- Click Next.
- For the Relying party trust identifier, enter your custom panorama URL.
- Example:
- Click Add, then click Next.
- Select I do not want to configure multi-factor authentication settings for this relying party trust at this time. Then click Next.
- Select Permit all users to access this relying party. Click Next.
- Review the settings to make sure everything is correct, then click Next.
- Make sure to have Open the Edit Claim Rules dialog for this relying party trust when the wizard closes selected, then click Close.
Adding Claim Rules
Add claim rules for the RPT so that SAML responses contain the correct user information.
- To create/edit claim rules, first, click on the RPT. On the right-side panel, click Edit Claim Rules.
- Click Add Rule.
- Select Send LDAP Attributes as Claims and click Next.
- Enter a Claim rule name (e.g. Panorama).
- Select Active Directory as the Attribute Store.
- Create four claim mappings as shown in the table below, and then click Finish.
Mapping of LDAP attributes to outgoing claim types:
LDAP Attribute Outgoing Claim Type Email-Addresses E-mail Address Given-Name Given Name Surname Surname <An attribute relating to the role of a user(e.g. Admin)> Role - Now, create a second claim rule. Click Add Rule.
- Select Transform an Incoming Claim. Click Next.
- Enter a Claim rule name. For Incoming claim type, select E-Mail Address. Important: This is assuming that each user in the ADFS system has an e-mail address associated with them. If this is not the case, select Given-Name instead.
- For Outgoing claim type, select Name ID. For Outgoing name ID format, select Email.
- Click Finish.
- Click OK in the Edit Claim Rules window.
Adjusting the Hash Algorithm
This ensures that all three parts are completed so that the configuration is done properly.
Panorama Configuration
After you've adjusted all settings in ADFS, you will be able to configure settings within Panorama.
- Log in to your LMS and access Panorama.
- Select Configurations and then select Integrations.
- From the Select Integrations drop-down menu, select SSO-SAML.
- You will need to fill out the information for each of the panels for the integration—General SSO Details, User Provisioning, Role Mapping, and Cross Integration with LTI 1.3. Follow the table below to fill out the information.
Attribute Required? Description General SSO Details SSO URL Yes The URL used for the SSO. This is where Panorama will send AuthnRequest tokens. Found in the IDP metadata as the “Location” attribute. Note: For Panorama, an HTTP-Redirect binding is used.
Example: “https:///adfs/ls/”
Name ID Format Yes The format to be used by the SP and IDP when communicating about a subject. Found in the IDP metadata as the value of that tag. Note: If available, email addresses should be prioritized and used.
Example: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid- format:emailAddress
ADFS Signing Certificate Fingerprint Yes The unique fingerprint of the IDP’s certificate is used when signing SAML responses. The thumbprint is not explicitly located in the metadata, but the certificate is used to sign either the SAMLResponse or the Assertion. See How to derive the fingerprint of a certificate in the Additional Tools section of this document for more details.
Example: 7j2mka9cfe2d09j23eefe11142f6a49d1222391
User Provisioning Given Name Attribute Yes The name of the attribute in the SAML response describes the user's given name (i.e. first name). Found in the IDP metadata. There is a section in the .XML file that should contain a list of tags. Enter the value for the “Name” key, under the appropriate given name.
The value should be:
Family Name Attribute Yes The name of the attribute in the SAML response describes the user's family name (i.e. last name, surname). Found in the IDP metadata. There is a section in the .XML file that should contain a list of tags. Enter the value for the “Name” key, under the appropriate family name.
The value should be:
Email Attribute Yes The name of the attribute in the SAML response describes the user's email address. Found in the IDP metadata. There is a section in the .XML file that should contain a list of tags. Enter the value for the “Name” key, under the appropriate email address.
The value should be:
Role Attribute Yes The name of the attribute in the SAML response describes the user's role. Found in the IDP metadata. There is a section in the .XML file that should contain a list of tags. Enter the value for the “Name” key, under the appropriate role.
The value should be:
Role Mapping Admin Mapping Yes A comma-separated list of values can be used. If the value received in the Role Attribute matches any of these values, the user will be provisioned as an IT manager.
Example: IT Manager
Instructor Mapping Yes A comma-separated list of values can be used. If the value received in the Role Attribute matches any of these values, the user will be provisioned as an instructor.
Example: Instructor, Teacher, or TA
Cross Integration with LTI SSO Linkage Attribute No A unique attribute that links the SSO with the LMS. This allows a user to be recognized as a single user regardless of whether they log in with their SSO or LMS. You will need to enter the name of the linkage attribute provided by your SSO. LTI 1.3 Linkage Custom Field No A unique attribute that links the SSO with the LMS. This allows a user to be recognized as a single user regardless of whether they log in with their SSO or LMS. You will need to enter the name of the custom field used to configure the LTI launch. -
Once you have adjusted all required settings, click Save Changes to complete the integration. Note: You can test your SSO integration by selecting Launch SSO Login Page and logging in with your integration.