This document outlines the steps to integrate Canvas into your institution’s video platform and enable sub-accounts to be provisioned within it. Administrators can integrate the Canvas API and automatically sync all the information from Canvas to the Video Platform.
Generating Canvas Client ID and API Keys
The instructions below will allow you to generate a new Canvas Client ID and API Key that can be used to integrate into the Video Platform.
- Log into Canvas as an Admin.
- Navigate to the Admin tab and choose Developer Keys. Click the + Developer Keys button and select + API Key.
- Enter the information as shown below.
- Click Save.
- Key Name: Canvas Auto Sync Key
- Redirect URIs: https://<YOUR_YUJA_DOMAIN>/auth/Canvas
- Update State from Off to On and copy down the Canvas Client ID for later use.
- Next, click Show Key and copy down the Canvas API Key for later use.
Integrating Canvas API into the Video Platform
The next steps involve integrating the newly obtained Canvas API Key into the Video Platform.
- Log in to the Video Platform as an Admin, then go to the Admin Panel.
- From the left-side navigation menu, click Integrations, then choose LMS API under the Select an API to Configure drop-down list.
- Enter the following information, then click Save.
- URL Link to Your LMS: https://<YOUR_CANVAS_DOMAIN>
- Choose an LMS: Canvas
- App ID: Paste in the Canvas Client ID from the above section.
- Key ID: Paste in the Canvas API Key from the above section.
- Click on Allow API Access.
- While logged into Canvas as an admin, Select Authorize to allow the Video Platform to access the Canvas API.
Enabling Synchronization Settings
With the Canvas API setup, admins will now have the ability to customize which information to sync from Canvas into the Video Platform, including sub-account synchronization. In general, we recommend that institutions turn on all Synchronization Actions to take advantage of this functionality.
- Below are the available options for Administrators to sync from Canvas into the Video Platform.
- Enable Canvas Course Synchronization: All courses from your Organization's Canvas will be synced to the Video Platform on a daily basis.
- Enable Canvas User Synchronization: All users from your Organization's Canvas who are enrolled in a Canvas course will be synced to the Video Platform on a daily basis. For users who hold two different roles in Canvas, the Video Platform will provision the higher role.
- Enable Canvas Enrollment Synchronization: All new user enrollments from your Organization's Canvas will be synced to the Video Platform on a daily basis.
- Enable Canvas Accommodated Groups Synchronization: All Canvas Accommodated Groups from your Organization's Canvas will be imported to the Video Platform on a daily basis.
- Enable Canvas Sub-Account Synchronization: All Canvas sub-accounts associated with your organization will be imported to the video platform on a daily basis and can be viewed within the Organization tab.
- Start Synchronizations Now: Sync all the enabled options above from your Organization's Canvas into the Video Platform instantly.
- Once done, click Save to apply all the changes.
Setting Up Canvas API Calls Notification
Admins can choose to set up a user to receive all the Canvas API call notifications.
- In the Notifications panel, please provide a YuJa User ID through which you would like to receive notifications.
- Once done, click Save to apply all the changes.
Setting up Canvas API Linkage Settings
Administrators can configure the linkage attributes used to provision courses and users from Canvas to the Video Platform via the Canvas API.
- Under Canvas Courses, check the box to Use Course Code and Term as backup fields if no Canvas Course ID is found.
- Check the box Ignore non-LTI YuJa courses when syncing Canvas Courses to only search Video Platform courses provisioned through LTI.
- Under Canvas Users, select the Primary Linkage Attribute from the drop-down menu.
- Check the box Use user email and user's name as backup fields if no Canvas User ID is found.
- Check the box Ignore non-LTI YuJa users when syncing Canvas Users to only search Video Platform users provisioned through LTI.