Once an instructor or assessment administrator has created a Verity-enabled third-party assessment, students can access the proctored assessment from their Learning Management System (LMS). To learn how to launch an Automated assessment or an assessment in the Lockdown App, please follow the relevant section below.
Accessing an Automated Third-Party Assessment
- Log in to your LMS (i.e. Blackboard, Canvas, D2L Brightspace, or Moodle), and access the Verity LTI link. Note: Your instructor will be able to provide you with information on where it is located on your platform.
- Under Proctored Tools, select Automated Proctoring. If this is your first time using YuJa Verity, follow the first 3 steps to install the Verity extension and authenticate yourself.
- Next, navigate to the location of the third-party assessment and start your assessment.
- Click Start.
- Verity will begin checking your environment before you can begin the third-party assessment. Follow the instructions on each step, and click Done once the Applying Limits step is complete.
- If your assessment requires a password, select Input Password in the verity Recording Panel. Verity will automatically enter your password, allowing you to take your assessment. If the password was not automatically entered, please refer to the section in this guide titled What to Do When Input Password Does Not Work.
Accessing a Third-Party Assessment in the Lockdown App
If the third-party assessment is required to be taken in the Lockdown App, please download the app before following the steps below.
- Launch the Lockdown App located on your device.
- Access your LMS (i.e. Blackboard, Canvas, D2L Brightspace, or Moodle), and select the Verity LTI link located in your course to authenticate yourself. Note: Your instructor will be able to provide you with information on where the LTI link is located on your platform.
- Once you've selected the LTI link, navigate to the location of your third-party assessment and start your assessment.
- Verity will begin checking your environment before you can begin the third-party assessment. Follow the instructions on each step, and click Done once the Applying Limits step is complete.
- You will automatically be directed to begin your assessment. Good luck!
What to Do When Input Password Does Not Work
If the Input Password button did not automatically enter the password for your third-party assessment, please follow the steps below.