Sometimes if Instructors are not seeing student grades sync automatically to their LMS Gradebook, they may sync the Video Quiz grades manually from the YuJa Gradebook to the LMS Gradebook.
- To open the Video Platform Gradebook, click the Main Menu icon on the top right corner of the page, select Usage & Analytics then Gradebook.
- Select the Course that the Video Quiz is published to and then the Video Quiz before selecting Get Results.
- Under GradeBook, select the student whose grade is not in the LMS Gradebook. Click Sync Gradebook and select On-Demand LMS Student Gradebook Sync to push their grade to the LMS Gradebook.
- To sync all students' grades for the Video Quiz at once, click Sync Gradebook and select On-Demand LMS Quiz Gradebook Sync.
On-Demand Gradebook Sync will overwrite all custom grades already entered in the LMS Gradebook for the specific student or video quiz.