Every API call requires an authentication token as part of the body or query of the request. When logged in, your token can be found by clicking on the Panorama browser extension. In your request, please label this parameter as an authentication Token.
Transport and Encoding
The current API only supports the JSON data format. It is recommended to specify the application/json as the accepted header, but it is not required.
The base URL for the Panorama API is dependent on which zone your institution is registered in. If you are unsure which zone your institution is in, please contact your Customer Success Manager. For security protocols, only https access is allowed.
For User, Institution, Course, Term and Sub-Account models:
United States Zone:
Canadian Zone:
European Zone:
Australian Zone:
For Document Models:
United States Zone:
Canadian Zone:
European Zone:
Australian Zone:
Rest API Response Codes
Status Code | Meaning |
200 | OK |
201 | Created |
204 | No Content |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
500 | Internal Server Error |
502 | Bad Gateway |
The Panorama API is broken down into several models, each representing a different entity, such as courses or documents. The models below may not include all fields available and instead show only the core fields of that model.
1 - User Model API Overview
The User model represents all individuals who are associated with the access token provided or are part of the institution.
1.1 - User Models Core
Variable | Type | Description |
userId | string |
A unique userId that is generated by the system. |
lmsUserId | string | The userId your lms has generated for the user. |
email_address | string | The email address of the user. |
role | string | The system role of the user. |
locked | boolean | Whether the system role for this user is locked or not. |
1.2 - Main Endpoints
Method | Path | Description | Access Level Required |
GET | /user/getUser | Retrieves the current user associated with the access token provided. | Student |
GET | /user/getPaginatedUsers | Retrieves an array of users in your institution. | Administrator |
1.2.1 - GET /user/getUser
Retrieves the current user associated with the access token provided.
Example URL:
Name |
Type |
Description |
authenticationToken |
string |
The user’s authentication token. Used for authenticating the request. |
Example JSON Data:
{"authenticationToken": "1129c18a-eb75-4a11-8ccc-566646f94tvc"}
1.2.2 - GET /user/getPaginatedUsers
Retrieves an array of users in your institution.
Example URL:
Name |
Type |
Description |
authenticationToken |
string |
The user’s authentication token. Used for authenticating the request. |
page |
integer |
The page to start on (starts at 1). |
pageSize |
integer |
The number of records to receive on each page. |
Example JSON Request:
{"authenticationToken": "1129c18a-eb75-4a11-8ccc-566646f94tcc","page": 2,"pageSize": 10}
2 - Sub-Account Model API Overview
The sub-account model represents all sub-accounts available to the individual accessing the API.
2.1 - Sub-Account Model Core
Variable |
Type |
Description |
subAccountId |
string |
A unique subAccountId that is generated by the system. |
parentSubAccountId |
string |
A unique subAccountId that is generated by the system for the subAccount’s parent subAccount. |
lmsSubAccountId |
string |
The subAccountId your lms has generated for the sub-account. |
lmsParentSubAccountId |
string |
The subAccountId your lms has generated for the sub-accounts parent sub-account. |
name |
string |
The name of the sub-account. |
2.2 - Main Endpoints
Method |
Path |
Description |
Access Level Required |
/subAccount/getPaginatedSubAccounts |
Retrieves a list of sub-sccounts in your institution that you have access to. |
Sub-Administrator |
2.2.1 - GET /subAccount/getPaginatedSubAccounts
Retrieves a list of sub-accounts in your institution that you have access to.
Example URL:
Name |
Type |
Description |
authenticationToken |
string |
The user’s authentication token. Used for authenticating the request. |
page |
integer |
The page to start on (starts at 1). |
pageSize |
integer |
The number of records to receive on each page. |
Example JSON Data:
{"authenticationToken": "1129c18a-eb75-4a11-8ccc-566646f94tcc","page": 2,"pageSize": 10}
3 - Term Model API Overview
The Term Model represents all terms available to the individual accessing the API.
3.1 - Term Model Core
Variable |
Type |
Description |
termId |
string |
A unique termId that is generated by the system. |
lmsTermId |
string |
The termId your lms has generated for the term. |
name |
string |
The name of the sub-account. |
start |
Date |
The term start date. |
end |
Date |
The term end date. |
3.2 - Term model Main Endpoints
Method |
Path |
Description |
Access Level Required |
/term/getPaginatedTerms |
Retrieves an array of Terms in your institution. |
Instructor |
3.2.1 - GET /term/getPaginatedTerms
Example URL:
Retrieves an array of Terms in your institution.
Name |
Type |
Description |
authenticationToken |
string |
The user’s authentication token. Used for authenticating the request. |
page |
integer |
The page to start on (starts at 1). |
pageSize |
integer |
The number of records to receive on each page. |
Example JSON Data:
{"authenticationToken": "1129c18a-eb75-4a11-8ccc-566646f94tcc","page": 2,"pageSize": 10}
4 - Institution Model API Overview
The Institution Model retrieves information administrators, and sub-admins have access to, such as Institution Reports, Content Reports, and Issues Reports.
4.1 - Institution Model Core
Variable |
Type |
Description |
institutionId |
string |
A unique institutionId that is generated by the system. |
lmsType |
string |
The type of lms associated with the institution (e.g. Canvas). |
name |
string |
The institution’s name. |
primaryIdentifierKey |
string |
A unique identifier key that is generated by the system. |
secondaryIdentifierKey |
string |
A unique secondary identifier key that is generated by the system. |
consumerKey |
string |
A unique key generated by the system to be used for LTI 1.1. |
ltiSecret |
string |
A unique key generated by the system to be used for LTI 1.1. |
clientId |
string |
The client Id associated with the institution. Used for LTI 1.3. |
deploymentId |
string |
The deployment Id associated with an LTI deployment. Used for LTI 1.3. |
iss |
string |
The issuer associated with the institution. Used for LTI 1.3. |
OIDCEndpoint |
string |
The OIDC endpoint for the institution. Used for LTI 1.3. |
JWKSEndpoint |
string |
The JWKS endpoint for the institution. Used for LTI 1.3. |
domain |
string |
The domain of the institution. |
lmsAPILink |
string |
The API endpoint associated with the institution. |
accessToken |
string |
The access token of the institution. Used for API requests to the institution. |
4.2 - Institution Model Main Endpoints
Method |
Path |
Description |
Access Level Required |
/institution/getInstitutionInformation |
Retrieves information about the institution associated with your account. |
Administrator |
/institution/exportInstitutionReport |
Downloads an accessibility report for the associated institution. It can be filtered by sub-accounts and terms that you have access to. |
Sub-Administrator |
/content/exportContentReportData |
Downloads a content report for the associated institution. It can be filtered by sub-accounts and terms you have access to. |
Sub-Administrator |
/issue/exportIssuesReport |
Download the Issues Report for the associated institution. It can be filtered by sub-accounts and terms you have access to. |
Sub-Administrator |
4.2.1 - GET /institution/getInstitutionInformation
Retrieves information about the institution associated with your account.
Example URL:
Name |
Type |
Description |
authenticationToken |
string |
The user’s authentication token. Used for authenticating the request. |
Example JSON Data:
{"authenticationToken": "1129c18a-eb75-4a11-8ccc-566646f94tcc"}
4.2.2 - GET /institution/exportInstitutionReport
Email and download the LMS accessibility report. This report can be filtered by sub-accounts and terms, allowing you to view all relevant data for your institution and courses.
Example URL:
Name |
Type |
Description |
authenticationToken |
string |
The user’s authentication token. Used for authenticating the request. |
subAccountId |
string |
The subaccount ID by which you would like to filter the report. Optional. |
termId |
string |
The term ID by which you would like to filter the report. Optional. |
string |
The email that will receive the report. |
shouldEmail |
Boolean |
The report will be emailed to the user if set to "true". |
fileType |
string |
The type of file you want the report as. Options: "Excel" or "JSON" |
startYear |
integer |
The year you'd like to start at. |
startMonth |
integer |
The month you'd like to start at. (Months will begin counting at 0, with January being 0 and December being 11.) |
endYear |
integer |
The year you'd like to end at. |
endMonth |
integer |
The month you'd like to end at. (Months will begin counting at 0, with January being 0 and December being 11.) |
Example JSON Data:
{"authenticationToken": "1126c18a-ec75-4a11-8ccc-566146f94tcc","subAccountId": "21a6a8d8-a609-4d60-ab21-9eca9013bb65","termId": "60450295d546b0b925a2a7c4","email": "",
"shouldEmail": true,"fileType": "Excel","startYear": 2022,"startMonth": 4,"endYear": 2023,"endMonth": 5}
4.2.3 - GET /content/exportContentReportData
Downloads a content report for the associated institution with the option to filter by sub-accounts and terms you have access to.
Name |
Type |
Description |
authenticationToken |
string |
The user’s authentication token. Used for authenticating the request. |
subAccountId |
string |
The subaccount ID you would like to filter the report by. Optional. |
termId |
string |
The term ID you would like to filter the report by. Optional. |
string |
The email that will receive the report. |
fileType |
string |
The type of file you want the report as. Options: "Excel" or "JSON" |
startYear |
integer |
The year you'd like to start at. |
startMonth |
integer |
The month you'd like to start at. (Months will begin counting at 0, with January being 0 and December being 11.) |
endYear |
integer |
The year you'd like to end at. |
endMonth |
integer |
The month you'd like to end at. (Months will begin counting at 0, with January being 0 and December being 11.) |
Example JSON Data:
{"authenticationToken": "1126c18a-ec75-4a11-8ccc-566146f94tcc","subAccountId": "21a6a8d8-a609-4d60-ab21-9eca9013bb65","termId": "60450295d546b0b925a2a7c4","email": "","fileType": "Excel","startYear": 2022,"startMonth": 4,"endYear": 2023,"endMonth": 5}
4.2.4 - GET /issue/exportIssuesReport
Download the Issues Report for the associated institution. It can be filtered by sub-accounts and terms you have access to.
Example URL:
Name |
Type |
Description |
authenticationToken |
string |
The user’s authentication token. Used for authenticating the request. |
subAccountId |
string |
The sub-account ID you would like to filter the report by. Optional. |
termId |
string |
The term ID you would like to filter the report by. Optional. |
string |
The email that will receive the report. |
fileType |
string |
The type of file you want the report as. Options: "Excel" or "JSON" |
startYear |
integer |
The year you'd like to start at. |
startMonth |
integer |
The month you'd like to start at. (Months will begin counting at 0, with January being 0 and December being 11.) |
endYear |
integer |
The year you'd like to end at. |
endMonth |
integer |
The month you'd like to end at. (Months will begin counting at 0, with January being 0 and December being 11.) |
Example JSON Data:
{"authenticationToken": "1126c18a-ec75-4a11-8ccc-566146f94tcc","subAccountId": "21a6a8d8-a609-4d60-ab21-9eca9013bb65","termId": "60450295d546b0b925a2a7c4","email": "","fileType": "Excel","startYear": 2022,"startMonth": 4,"endYear": 2023,"endMonth": 5}
5 - Course Model API Overview
The Course model retrieves courses and course reports
5.1 - Course Model Core
Variable |
Type |
Description |
contextId |
string |
The course Id your lms has generated for the course. |
name |
string |
The name of the course. |
5.2 - Course Model Main Endpoints
Method |
Path |
Description |
Access Level Required |
/course/getPaginatedCourses |
Retrieves an array of courses in your institution that you have access to. |
Instructor |
/document/getPaginatedCourseDocuments |
Retrieves an array of documents in a course. |
Instructor |
/course/exportCourseReport |
Downloads a course report for the associated course. |
Administrator |
5.2.1 - GET /course/getPaginatedCourses
Retrieves an array of courses in your institution that you have access to.
Example URL:
Name |
Type |
Description |
authenticationToken |
string |
The user’s authentication token. Used for authenticating the request. |
page |
integer |
The page to start on (starts at 1). |
pageSize |
integer |
The number of records to receive on each page. |
Example JSON Data:
{"authenticationToken": "1129c18a-eb75-4a11-8ccc-566646f94tcc","page": 2,"pageSize": 10}
5.2.2 - GET /document/getPaginatedCourseDocuments
Retrieves an array of documents in a course.
Example URL:
Name |
Type |
Description |
authenticationToken |
string |
Your authentication token. Used for authenticating the request. |
contextId |
string |
The ID of the course you would like to get the documents of. |
page |
integer |
The page you'd like to start on (starts at 1). |
pageSize |
integer |
The number of |
Example JSON Data:
{"authenticationToken": "1129c18a-eb75-4a11-8ccc-566646f94tcc","contextId": "362","page": 10,"pageSize": 12}
5.2.3 - GET /course/exportCourseReport
Download a course report for the associated course.
Example URL:
Name |
Type |
Description |
authenticationToken |
string |
The user’s authentication token. Used for authenticating the request. |
contextId |
string |
The contextId of the course you would like to get the report of. |
string |
The email that will receive the report. |
fileType |
string |
The type of file you want the report as. Options: "Excel" or "JSON" |
startYear |
integer |
The year you'd like to start at. |
startMonth |
integer |
The month you'd like to start at. (Months will begin counting at 0, with January being 0 and December being 11.) |
endYear |
integer |
The year you'd like to end at. |
endMonth |
integer |
The month you'd like to end at. (Months will begin counting at 0, with January being 0 and December being 11.) |
Example JSON Data:
{"authenticationToken": "1126c18a-ec75-4a11-8ccc-566146f94tcc","contextId": "202""email": "","fileType": "Excel","startYear": 2022,"startMonth": 4,"endYear": 2023,"endMonth": 5}
6 - Document Model
The Document Model retrieves information indicating the status of documents and their Alternative Formats.
6.1 - Document Model Main Endpoints
Variable |
Type |
Description |
accessibilityFormats |
Array<ConversionFormat> |
A list of alternative formats for the document and which state of processing they are in. |
errorInterceptingDocument |
boolean |
A boolean indicating whether or not the document has had an error during retrieval from the LMS. |
accessibilityReportInfo |
AccessibilityReportInfo |
Information surrounding the accessibility report of the document. Only available with sufficient permissions. |
fileTypeNotSupported |
boolean |
A boolean indicating whether or not the document is of a file type supported by Panorama. |
uploadedByStudent |
boolean |
A boolean indicating whether or not the document is uploaded by a student. |
formatsHiddenFromStudents |
boolean |
A boolean indicating whether or not the document’s alternative formats are hidden from students. |
sourceDocumentUnavailable |
boolean |
A boolean indicating whether or not the document has had an error during source file retrieval. |
documentExpired |
boolean |
A boolean indicating whether or not the document has expired. |
documentId |
string |
A unique institutionId that is generated by the system. |
documentFormat |
string |
The extension type of the document. |
documentName |
string |
The document’s name. |
documentType |
String |
The document type. |
documentSource |
string |
The source of the document. |
6.2 - Document Model Main Endpoints
Method |
Path |
Description |
Access Level Required |
/api/documentDetails |
Retrieves all details about a specified document. |
Instructor for full access to the API and student for limited access. |
/api/processFormat |
Generates an Alternative Format or Accessibility Report for a specified document. |
Instructor for full access to the API and student for limited access. |
/api/downloadFormatUrl |
Retrieves a download URL that can be used to download an Alternative Format for a specified document. |
Instructor for full access to the API and student for limited access. |
6.2.1 - POST /api/documentDetails
Retrieves all details about a specified document.
Example URL:
Name |
Type |
Description |
identifierKey |
string |
The primary identifierKey for your institution. |
extensionToken |
string |
Your authentication token. Used for authenticating the request. |
documentId |
string |
A unique ID of the document that can be retrieved from the paginated course documents API in section 5.2.2. |
Example JSON Data:
"identifierKey": "3b7a63c37e8c860bbb05bb550c5c1f0e817c2aad73056efd87bc848545a7f1j4",
"extensionToken": "1127c11a-eb75-4a41-8ccc-566646f94blc",
"documentId": "fcb6e196-b807-480d-9030-c29413e5bc2f1"
6.2.2 - POST /api/processFormat
Generates an Alternative Format or Accessibility Report for a specified document.
Example URL:
Note: The identifierKey and extensionToken must be set as Query Params. The identifierKey must be set as the Key, and the extensionToken must be set as the Value.
Name |
Type |
Description |
identifierKey |
string |
The primary identifierKey for your institution. |
extensionToken |
string |
Your authentication token. Used for authenticating the request. |
documentId |
string |
The unique ID of the document. |
type |
string |
Choose whether you'd like to "generate" or "reprocess" the document. Valid options: generate: Generates the Alternative Format if not available. reprocess: Reprocesses the Alternative Format if it’s been generated. |
format |
string |
The Alternative Format you'd like to generate or reprocess. Valid options: enhanced_html report source base immersive_html gradient_txt txt epub brf mp3 png math_latex math_txt math_mp3 ocr_pdf ocr_reconstructed_docx ocr_txt ocr_mp3 |
language |
string |
The language in which the Alternative Format is generated.
If no translation is needed, then this field should be sent as the following: default
If a translation is needed, please set this field to be the language code. examples: For Canadian French, this field should be: fr-ca
For Greek, this field should be: el |
documentType |
string |
The document source returned from the document details API in section 6.2.1. |
documentSource |
string |
The document source returned from the document details API in section 6.2.1. |
Example JSON Data:
"identifierKey": "3b7a63c37e8c860bbb05bb550c5c1f0e817c2aad73056efd87bc848545a7f1j4",
"extensionToken": "1127c11a-eb75-4a41-8ccc-566646f94blc",
"documentId": "fcb6e196-b807-480d-9030-c29413e5bc2f1",
"type": "generate",
"format": "pdf",
"language": "el",
"documentType": "discussion",
"documentSource": "lms"
6.2.3 - POST /api/downloadFormatUrl
Example URL:
Note: The download URL returned will only be available for one hour, and this format must have previously been generated and have a status of complete when viewing its status in document details.
Name |
Type |
Description |
identifierKey |
string |
The primary identifierKey for your institution. |
extensionToken |
string |
Your authentication token. Used for authenticating the request. |
documentId |
string |
The unique ID of the document |
format |
string |
The Alternative Format you'd like to download. Valid options: enhanced_html report source base immersive_html gradient_txt txt epub brf mp3 png math_latex math_txt math_mp3 ocr_pdf ocr_reconstructed_docx ocr_txt ocr_mp3 |
language |
string |
The language in which the Alternative Format is generated.
If no translation is needed, then this field should be sent as the following: default
If a translation is needed, please set this field to be the language code. example: For Canadian French, this field should be: fr-ca
For Greek, this field should be: el |
Example JSON Data:
"identifierKey": "3b7a63c37e8c860bbb05bb550c5c1f0e817c2aad73056efd87bc848545a7f1j4", "extensionToken": "1127c11a-eb75-4a41-8ccc-566646f94blc",
"documentId": "fcb6e196-b807-480d-9030-c29413e5bc2f1",
"format": "pdf",
"language": "el"