Admins have the ability to copy schedules from one device to another to prevent the existing schedule from being lost. This can be done when devices need to be unregistered for newer devices or if the admin would like two devices running the same schedule. The newly registered device will then continue recording as previously scheduled.
Copying Schedules
Please note device schedules can only be copied for the same device. A Software Capture schedule cannot be copied to a Hardware Hub device and vice versa.
- Log in to the Video Platform as an admin. Click on the Main Menu icon and select Admin Panel.
- Navigate to the Devices page from the left sidebar.
- Locate the device you wish to copy the schedule for and click the drop-down arrow.
- Then, click Unregister Device.
- Click Download Schedule for <Device Name> to download an XML file of the device schedule.
- To close the De-register Hub window, click No if you'd like to leave the device as is or Yes if you'd like to unregister the device.
- Next, register a Hardware Hub or Software Capture device.
- Once a new device has been registered, open the XML file downloaded earlier within your preferred text editor such as Notepad or WordPad.
- Locate <StationName> and enter the name of the newly registered device.
- Example: <StationName>Newton Hall</StationName>
- Save the edited XML file.
- Next, from the Devices page, click Import Schedule.
- To upload the edited XML file, click Choose File.
- Finally, click Import to upload the device schedule for the Hardware Hub or Software Capture device.