The Immersive Reader allows for customizations to text preferences, grammar options, and reading preferences. Students will have the flexibility to adjust these options and follow along with the text reader. To learn how to access and use the available features, please follow the guide below.
Accessing the Immersive Reader
Using the Text Reader
- Select the Voice Settings icon to access voice settings.
- Adjust Voice Speed and click a preferred Voice Selection.
- Click the Play button. The Immersive Reader will begin reading from the beginning of the text.
- To start the reading at a specific point in the text, click on the word you would like the Immersive Reader to start at and click the Play button.
- To have the Immersive Reader read individual words, simply click on a word and click the Listen icon.
Immersive Reader - Text Preferences
Below is a list of Text preferences available in the Immersive Reader.
Immersive Reader - Grammar Options
Below is a list of Grammar Options available in the Immersive Reader.
Immersive Reader - Reading Preferences
Below is a list of Reading Preferences available in the Immersive Reader.